xvmorganalefayv Jun 17, 2010 16:18
what is this i don't even, nerdery, wtf is this shit, ilovemattomg!, vamp james isn't a vampire, rpging is not lame, comedy gold, i now have add wtf, real life is teh win
xvmorganalefayv Apr 13, 2010 11:35
nerdery, internet friends rule, hyper-pc blows, my flist is awesome, comedy gold, lj-addiction, kitties!!!, fat chicks ftw, i now have add wtf, tmi, i love my cupcake, stfu, wtf is this shit, the hero of canton, sry2say u r a moron, drugs are bad mmkay, this is why i luff j00, new tags yay!, hell yes
xvmorganalefayv Apr 06, 2010 14:46
comedy gold, arthur is hilarious, wtf is this shit
xvmorganalefayv Mar 30, 2010 21:26
wtf is this shit, friends, comedy gold, this is why i luff j00, drugs are bad mmkay, new tags yay!, arthur is hilarious, hell yes